Police Chase (Lil buttah)

11:06AM Police Chase
Police found a vehicle used in a burglary and was stolen. The driver took off at a high rate of speed and got on to the 780 towards 80. They exited on to Lemon St doing 85mph. The vehicle continued on to Curtola Parkway going the wrong way. They crashed a moment later and bailed out of the car. Two people were hurt in the crash from the car they slammed in to. One with a serious head injury. The burglary driver ran through Washington Park. They stated he appeared to be getting ready to car jack someone in the park but kept running instead and jumped a fence. Police caught up to him and took him into custody. Two other people from the car were still running, one had a taser line still connected to his jacket. VPD states that the burglary vehicle slid, rolled over and slammed into this patrol car which was heavily smoking. The police recovered a gun with no record on file. I learned this is lil buttah who put our name in one of his songs, sorry bro that i had to post this. AKA Jaylon Vales